Possible tone

Meaning of the word
Acerbic Harsh/ severe; bitter
Aggressive Forceful; tending towards unprovoked offensiveness
Apathetic Emotionless; not interested/ concerned; indifferent; unresponsive
Apologetic Expressing remorse, regret, sorrow for having failed, injured,insulted or wronged another
Belligerent Aggressively hostile; bellicose
Biased Favouring one thing/person/group over another for personalreasons
Caustic Biting; acerbic
Commiserating Feeling/ expressing sorrow for; empathizing with; pity
Condescending Patronizing; showing/implying patronising descent from dignity/superiority
Contemptuous Expressing contempt/ disdain
Cynical displaying a belief that people are always self-seeking and neveraltruistic in their actions
Derisive Unkind and displaying contempt
Disparaging Speak slightingly; depreciating; belittling
Dogmatic Asserting opinions in an arrogant manner; imperious; dictatorial
Emotional Easily affected by feelings actuated by experiencing love, hate,fear and the like
Euphemistic Substitution of mild, indirect or vague expression for one thoughtto be offensive, harsh or blunt
Grandiose More complicated/ elaborated than necessary; pompous
Humanistic Evincing keen interest in human affairs, nature, welfare, values
Obsequious Fawning; showing servile complaisance; flattering; deferent
Pedestrian Lacking vitality, imagination, distinction
Populist Egalitarian; pertaining to the characteristics of common people/working class
Sarcastic Harsh, bitter derision; taunting; sneering; cutting remarks
Satirical Ironical; taunting; human folly held up to scorn/ derision/ ridicule
Speculative Theoretical rather than practical; thoughtful; reflective;hypothetica
Vitriolic Full of anger and hatred
Vituperative Cruel and angry criticism
See Also : Recommended books for CAT reparation
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